Hair Restoration for Men
The Hair Clinic, Montreal's Finest Hair Replacement for Men
Hair Restoration for Men | Hair Replacement for Men | Hair Pieces for Men | Hair Toppers for Men | Non-Surgical Hair Grafts for Men
Hot hair is COOL, a bad hairpiece is NOT!
Fashion hairstyles require a full head of healthy hair on top, but unfortunately, this is precisely where young men tend to lose it first. What’s a guy to do ?
Most men shudder at the mention of a hairpiece!
And why not? We all have a pathetic uncle who's ridiculed because he looks like a clown with his bad toupée. After all, it can be spotted a mile away, and looks somewhat like a carpet, or a sad looking furry, hairy creature, right?
Well, things have changed significantly since the days of the bulky, unnatural hairpieces that look like a dead rat perched on a head, and slide off at the slightest wind or the friendly tug of a relative.
Fusion Bonding lets you to swim & shower with your hair!

Hairpieces flying off the top or gone with the wind, are now a thing of the past, seen only in bad movies, music videos & tacky commercials!
At The Hair Clinic, high tech hair replacement techniques are a true alternative to growing back your own hair!
The Hair Clinic's leading edge hair restoration techniques, offer you beautiful hair you can live with and love with, in total comfort & the utmost security in fusion bonding!.
Secure Fusion Bonding insures this will never happen !
It's just Blah Blah Blah & you know it! ;)

Holds on so strong, it's like your own hair! Even Ke$ha can't pull if off ;)
At The Hair Clinic, we use 100% human hair that is 100% silky, soft and soooo very touchable. A hot head of luscious top quality human hair that's a dream to brush, style & touch.
The Hair Clinic's high tech hair replacement techniques allow you to have the hair you've always dreamed of!
Real Hair you can shower, sleep, swim with, and live happily with!
Hair you can love and be loved in ... no worries!
You simply go on with your life, with a virile, sexy hair you can be proud of, instead of trying to hide under a baseball cap.
There’ll be no embarrassing dashes to the bathroom to adjust your hairpiece after a night’s sleep. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or playing the field, no one will ever suspect its not growing hair!
When people ask you, what did you do to look so hot, you can just say it's a new attitude. You've finally chosen to live your life with confidence & joie de vivre!
The spring in your step & glow on your face are just some of the side-effects of a non-surgical graft for men from The Hair Clinic.
Enjoy yourself! Go on a roller coaster, walk in a storm, & hang upside down from a hang-glider. Your new hair is part of you, & it will stay put whether you’re engaging in intense physical activity, working out or enjoying an intimate evening with a loved one tugging & pulling passionately at your hair.
Whether your idea of a fun time is a loud rave downtown or a quiet evening in bed with a good book, your gorgeous new hair will fill you with self-assurance, and dare we say, just a little more self love!
Nature and genes can be unfair. If your hair is thinning or worse yet, balding, there’s really no practical way yet of making it grow back.
At The Hair Clinic, we believe that no young man should ever have his self-confidence damaged by a bald spot.
High Tech men's Hair Replacement at The Hair Clinic is a most practical & a most natural looking solution for hair loss in men.

Hair so Natural, it Looks & Feels like it's you own!

If you don't feel comfortable going through life wearing a baseball cap, or sporting a shaved head like your dad, The Hair Clinic's leading edge hair restoration techniques may be for you!
For the most natural-looking hair that makes you go "WOW!", look no further than The Hair Clinic downtown Montreal.
"HOT Hair is COOL" & you know you want it! And why not, you deserve it. After all, sexy hair & a great hairstyle are so cool.
If u're COOL & u want ur hair 2 b HOT, The Hair Clinic is 4 u

Montreal's Hair Restoration Center
Hair Replacement for Men at The Hair Clinic in Montreal
The Hair Clinic is the finest Men's Hair Restoration & Men's Hair Replacement Center in Montreal!
The Hair Clinic is located in downtown Montreal and is easily accessible by car or public transportation.
Montreal's Hair Clinic has been offering the finest quality hair replacement & human hair pieces for almost 20 years. We have extensive experience in making your hair look best with our exclusive human hair compliments, hair pieces, Non-Surgical Grafts & Non-Surgical Transplants, which enhance your appearance.
The Hair Replacement Center of The Hair Clinic excels in the confection of custom hand-made hair pieces & hair replacement units. Each custom hairpiece is lovingly hand-grafted one hair at a time for an ultra natural appearance, with hair that looks like it's growing from your own scalp.
100% Human Hair is hand grafted one hair at a time
The Hair looks like it's growing right from your new scalp

The Hair Clinic knows that hair loss can be traumatic. Our caring hair replacement associates are supportive and knowledgeable. They will do their best to make you feel comfortable and help you acquire the hair you've been dreaming of.
The Hair Clinic’s highly trained staff is qualified to assist you with all types of hair loss, including male pattern baldness or alopecia androgenetica; as well as hair loss due to alopecia areata, alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis, and traction alopecia or tricotillomania.
Many dermatologists, plastic surgeons, family practitioners, hair stylist & barbers refer their patients/clients to The Hair Clinic, for the most natural solutions to their hair loss problems.
Renowned for its personalized and unparalleled service, The Hair Clinic Montreal carries the largest selection of hair replacement alternatives & hair pieces in the Province of Quebec, at the absolute best prices!
The Hair Clinic's Hair Restoration Center is the premier center for hair replacement for men in Montreal. We offer you a wide variety of non-surgical hair replacement methods, including top quality hair pieces made with the finest quality human Indian or European hair..
Although The Hair Clinic offers a wide variety of hair replacement systems and hairpieces, Our main focus for men losing their hair are The Non-Surgical Graft & The Non-Surgical Transplant.
Fusion Bonding of the Non-Surgical Hair Graft for Men

The Non Surgical Graft
The Non Surgical Graft is a skin graft which integrates hair into your scalp defying the closest scrutiny.
Human Hair is grafted with follicular units, Non Surgically, into “Hair Follicles” on a strong flexible micro-thin soft skin-like membrane.
This skin-like membrane replaces the balding area of your scalp, creating the appearance of hair growth.
To achieve a perfect fit for your non surgical skin graft, a precision mould of the balding area of your scalp is made.
This mould is then reproduced as a micro-thin polymer skin membrane, or Soft Contact Lens for the Scalp, for a fit as comfortable and undetectable as a Contact Lens on the human eye.
The Non Surgical follicular hair graft is then used to correct the hair deficiency on your own scalp.
The micro-thin Non Surgical Graft "Scalp Contact Lens" is grafted with 100% human hair into “Hair Follicles”, one hair at a time using our patented follicular hair transplant Hair Infusion System.
Your hair is perfectly matched for color, texture and wave, and is inserted strand by strand via non-surgical micro-transplant into follicular units on the membrane of the scalp skin graft.
The non surgical follicular unit transplantation perfectly replicates the way in which hair grows from a follicle on your own scalp.
Your "New Scalp" is then bonded to the balding area of your scalp Non-Surgically becoming virtually indistinguishable from your hair.
Even upon close examination, the Second Scalp Non Surgical Graft so resembles hair follicles growing from your own scalp, it would be almost impossible to distinguish it from the real thing, especially because the translucent membrane takes on the color & tone of your own scalp.
This micro-porous new "skin" is bonded to your scalp. Non-Surgical Grafts are fully watertight, allowing swimming & showering.
The Non Surgical Transplant
The Non-Surgical Transplant uses a fine lace instead of a skin graft.
The Non-Surgical Transplant involves inserting 100% Human Hair, one hair at a time into "follicles" on a micro-thin, ultra sheer welded lace hair system for men.
A precision mould of the balding area insures a perfect fit.

Both the Non-Surgical Graft & the Non-Surgical Transplant are carefully moulded to your head to create a most natural & virtually undetectable hairline, as well as a skin tight fit to your scalp replacement making it virtually undetectable to the touch.
The Hair Clinic also offers exclusive hybrid hair systems consisting of a fusion of the Non Surgical Skin Graft & a front lace hair system for men.
Each hair replacement system & human hair piece for men created by The Hair Clinic is an extremely natural custom-made hair replacement unit, made with the finest sheer materials, hand-grafted one hair at a time with 100% Indo-European Remy Human Hair.
The Hair Clinic custom hair replacement systems for men are perfectly moulded to the balding area of your scalp. As with all of our non surgical hair replacement units, your hair is matched for length, color, texture & wave. Each single hair is hand-grafted, hand inserted, or hand injected, one hair at a time to follow the angle, pattern and direction of implantation of your own hair.
Bargain hair pieces for men are knotted in clumps of 4 to 6 hairs. This results in an unnatural hair replacement system which is most difficult to style. Furthermore, the lower grade hair used in cheap hairpieces is dull and lack luster, with a reduced longevity. Always remember, that it's a misplaced economy to invest in a lower quality hairpiece, which fits poorly, looks ratty & tangles easily. You're better off wearing a baseball cap than a bad hairpiece!
The Hair Clinic also offers you a wide variety of custom-made hair pieces and non-surgical hair systems for men.
Brush your new hair & style it like your very own!

Montreal's Hair Clinic also carries hair volume enhancers & hairpieces for volume for men, ready to wear or custom made just for you!.
Whether you have balding or thinning areas of scalp, our top quality human hair volumizers for men will give you the head of hair you've always wanted!
Hair so natural looking and feeling, that it literally becomes your own real beautiful, sexy virile hair! The only difference is that instead of growing from your own hair follicles, hair is grafted one hair at a time, with the absolute finest quality 100% Human Indo-European Remy hair, or pure 100% Virgin European Remy hair.

We look forward to helping you get your hair back!

Whether you're looking for top quality hair restoration, hair replacement, or hairpieces for men, you’ll find them at The Hair Clinic.
The Hair Clinic's Non Surgical Hair Replacement Center is open from Monday to Friday 10AM to 6PM Eastern, by appointment.
For more information on affordable hair replacement for men at The Hair Clinic, or to schedule your no obligation, free consultation, please contact us at 514.848.6185, or email your questions at info@hairiscool.com
The Hair Clinic Montreal goes to great lengths to make your hair dreams come true!

HOT Hair is COOL but so is a $100 Discount Coupon on your first non-surgical hair system for men from The Montreal Hair Replacement Center at The Hair Clinic on Crescent Street.

Monday to Friday 10AM-6PM
Hair Replacement is by Appointment Only
Hair Replacement is by Appointment Only
2070 Crescent Street, 2nd floor
Montreal, QC, H3G 2B8
above Boutique California & Rouge Nail Bar
next to Restaurant l'Académie
across from NesPresso Bar

Guy-Concordia Metro Station
Green Line
3 blocks east of Guy Street
The Hair Clinic Hair Replacement Center
Hair ReplacementHair Prosthesis
Toppers, Volumising Hairpieces
Men's Toupees
The Hair Clinic Hairpieces
Hairpieces for WomenHair Replacement for Women
Hair Replacement for Men
Hair Integration Systems
Non Surgical Grafts
Non Surgical Transplants
Custom made Hairpieces
Custom Made HairpiecesThe Hair Clinic
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Hair Clinic West Island
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